PNNL Introduces All-Liquid Iron Flow Battery for Grid Energy Storage
As featured in the Power Systems Technology magazine, Pacific National Northwest Laboratory (PNNL) is repurposing a commonplace chemical used in water treatment for large-scale energy storage in a new battery design. Feature article here.
PNNL Hosts 8th Annual Energy Storage Safety & Reliability Forum
Over 200 attendees, including researchers, manufacturers, developers, code officials, and emergency responders, participated in the event hosted at PNNL. The forum featured presentations, discussions, and a look at the Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL). Read more about GSL. Event photo gallery here.
Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Help the Grid?
PNNL researchers Robert Rallo and Court Corley contributed their AI expertise to a recent DOE report that explores how artificial intelligence can help protect the grid. Full article here.
Press Briefing Series Discusses Climate and Energy Innovation at National Labs
PNNL Director Steven Ashby participated on an expert panel at the United States Energy Association's virtual press briefing that focused on what labs are doing to help electric utilities during this transformative period in energy. YouTube video recording.
"We're exceptionally well known for our expertise in chemistry, in biology, Earth sciences, and data science―including the ubiquitous artificial intelligence―and then we apply that not only to advance our understanding in those fields and others but look at what we can do to accelerate decarbonization primary through the work we do in grid modernization and energy storage."
--PNNL Director Steven Ashby
New Handbook to Boost Clean Energy Transition for U.S. Ports
PNNL, in collaboration with Guiding Port Partners, has developed the Port Electrification Handbook to support the clean energy transition of maritime ports nationwide. Read more on the Port Electrification Handbook webpage or the feature article.
PNNL's New AI-powered Grid Visualization Tool, ChatGrid, Highlighted in Feature Article
PNNL researchers, and the generative AI tool they helped develop were featured in a recent article. ChatGrid uses artificial intelligence to better inform grid management decisions in real time. Feature article here.
ResiliEX Summit 2.0 Focuses on Protecting the Grid from Extreme Events
PNNL staff cohosted the three-day event in partnership with Seattle City Light. Held in Seattle, more than 100 attendees aimed to improve understanding of how extreme events affect the energy grid. Feature article here.
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Can Revolutionize Electricity Management and Operations
A new report from PNNL, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, explores how AI and machine learning can be used to optimize energy supply and demand, along with advancing other power system applications. DOE Announcement here.
IEEE Energy Storage & Stationary Battery Committee 2024 Summer Meeting: July 15-18
PNNL will host the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Energy Storage & Stationary Battery Committee's 2024 Summer Meeting in Richland, WA. The meeting will be at the DOE Office of Electricity's GSL, a national resource and collaborative facility to advance the development of next-generation grid energy storage technologies. Registration and Event Overview.
Advanced Grid Institute Industry Day 2024: August 28
Advanced Grid Institute (AGI) Industry Day will bring together colleagues from state and federal agencies, utilities, industry, national laboratories, and academia, for a day of lively panel discussions and presentations. This year’s theme is “Nexus of Power Systems Engineering and Advanced Analytics toward a Resilient and Decarbonized Grid.” Register for "Nexus of Power Systems Engineering and Advanced Analytics toward a Resilient and Decarbonized Grid.
PNNL research provides a clear understanding of the technology needs for integrating energy storage into the grid. We work with utilities and industry to assess the optimal role for energy storage installations under local operational and market conditions. Our research teams support field deployments where we work with stakeholders to characterize the value, understand usage and controls, and generally improve the benefits that energy storage systems provide to the grid. These data, provided to all stakeholders, assure that research development and deployment is working toward a cleaner power future for America.
Understanding the benefits of the wide variety of storage technologies and developing the critical advancements required to bring down the cost of energy storage will help integrate renewable power sources such as wind, solar, and marine energy and energize a modern, flexible, and resilient power grid.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory draws on its distinguishing strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology and data science to advance scientific knowledge and address challenges in sustainable energy and national security. Founded in 1965, PNNL is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, which is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States. DOE’s Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, visit the PNNL's News Center. Follow us onTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd, Richland, WA 99354